Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mrs. Felicia - Decrease Excess and Increase God's Kingdom in Your Life

Is your consumer lifestyle crowding out the purposes God wants to fulfill in your life? An excess amount of things may seem to enrich your life, but actually impoverishes it. Excess consumes time, money, and energy for what’s not important, when God wants you to invest your resources into what matters most.

When you intentionally reduce the excess in your lifestyle, you create space for God’s kingdom to break through. Then you can see life more from God’s perspective and join Him more in His work. Here’s how you can take seven months to decrease excess in seven key areas of your life, and increase your participation in God’s kingdom work as a result:
Reduce your food consumption.  For month one, choose just seven different types of food to eat, rather than consuming an endless variety of foods. Some healthy foods that can meet your nutritional needs for the month are: chicken, eggs, 100% whole-wheat bread, sweet potatoes, spinach, avocados, and apples. Limit your drinks to water to make this month’s meals and snacks even simpler. If you’re medically able to do so, fast from all food for a short while, skipping some meals to train yourself to focus on something greater than your physical desires. Ask God to help you redirect your physical hunger to an appetite for what will satisfy you spiritually. Turn to God alone for true fulfillment.
Reduce your clothes consumption. For month two, choose only seven different types of clothing to wear (not including underwear, and a pair of shoes counts as one item) night and day for the whole month. Go through your closets and identify all the excess clothes that you don’t really need or have outgrown. Then donate as many as possible to organizations that help people in need. At the end of the month when you can wear more clothes and find yourself wanting some in a different style, consider swapping clothes with your friends instead of buying new ones at stores. Consider how much you’ve learned about humility and giving God glory during this time that you’ve been free from trying to clothe yourself for attention from others. 

Recognize that it doesn’t matter very much how you look to people on the outside; what’s in your soul is far more important. Remember that Jesus Himself had a very simple appearance (the Bible says in Isaiah 53:2 that Jesus “had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him”) but was magnificently handsome on the inside. Decide to value substance and integrity more than charisma and style.

Reduce your possessions. For month three, choose seven different things you own to give away – every single day (so in a month with 30 days, you’d give 210 items away).  Ask God to direct you to specific people in need who could use the items you’re giving away, such as a single mother’s family that’s moving into a new apartment and needs furniture or household items, or refugees who had to leave most of their belongings behind when leaving their countries. Notice how giving away your excess possessions to help others who need them helps you let go of certain qualities (selfishness, greed, power, accumulation, prestige, and self-preservation) and embrace better qualities (community, generosity, compassion, mercy, brotherhood, kindness, and love). Follow Jesus’ advice to store up your treasures in heaven rather than on Earth by focusing on what has eternal value.
Reduce your media consumption.  For month four, choose seven different types of media to abstain from, such as TV, video games, social media such as Facebook and Twitter, iPhone apps, radio, texting, and movies or some level of Internet usage. Then use the time that you would normally spend on those media activities for prayer.  
As you invest the extra time into communicating with God, notice how much more you become aware of His constant presence with you, and how powerfully His love flows into your life. When you resume using the seven kinds of media you’d given up during this month, use them more wisely, keeping them in proper perspective so they don’t turn into idols.
Reduce your waste.  For month five, choose seven different habits you can begin to take better care of the environment. Some habits to consider are: gardening, composting, conserving energy or water, recycling, driving only one car (especially with the price of gas going up daily), shopping at thrift and second-hand stores, and buying local products. Ask God to use this time to change you from a consumer who just uses God’s creation as a commodity to a steward who takes good care of creation as a sacred gift. Keep in mind that everything in creation is connected, and when people don’t follow God’s call to take care of it, everyone ultimately suffers. So help make our common ground holy ground by doing the right thing for the environment whenever you have an opportunity to do so.

Reduce your spending. For month six, reduce the amount of money you spend by choosing only seven different places to distribute your money. Wal-Mart isn’t the only retail store that have bargains. Use coupons as well to save money. These may be places such as a grocery store, a gas station, a store that sells general household items you may need during the month, school expenses, a medical fund, a travel fund, and paying your bills online. Giving to your church and charities is a separate endeavor that you should continue uninterrupted during this month. 
In fact, you should increase your giving this month by redirecting some of the money you’ve saved from reducing your spending to helping other people (such as by welcoming others through hospitality and giving to organizations that fight poverty). Ask God to increase your compassion for people in need while you decrease your spending on yourself.
Reduce your stress.  For month seven, reduce the amount of stress in your life by observing a weekly Sabbath day for rest and worship and by pausing at seven different times throughout each day to pray.   At midnight, pray for those who are going through dark times of suffering.   At dawn, give God thanks and praise for the gift of a new day.   At midmorning, ask the Holy Spirit to bless your work for that day.   At noon, commit to doing your best to help change the world for the better and point other people to the hope they can only find in Jesus.   At midafternoon, pray for the right perspective on your life so you can invest your limited time into what matters most.   At early evening, thank God for what you’ve experienced during the day and ask Him to give you peace to transition into night.   At bedtime, pray for God to deliver you and others you know from evil and thank Him that His love is greater than any sin. Notice how less stress in your life has given you more clarity, so you can better discern what does and doesn’t truly matter.

The Bible recognizes the significance of seven from Genesis to Revelations as Fullness, Completion, and Perfection.  Take the seven month challenge; apply these seven principles and rejoice in self awareness, reflection, and improvement.

Mrs. Felicia's Prayer For Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You, as always, for Your abundant blessings. I may never know until I reach heaven how many times You have had Your angels protect me from the wicked one. I do appreciate You watching over me and my loved ones. Lord, I pray this day for all of the backsliders. Lord, draw them back to Yourself. Forgive them and be merciful to them. Thank You, that Your mercy endureth for ever. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Lord, thank you for correcting me when I have missed You in some way. I do want to stay on the path of life. Keep Your children in the path of holiness and righteousness.

I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Mrs. Felicia - Love No Limit

Hi everyone. Let me tell you above Love No Limit. For all you Mary J. Blige fans, this isn’t the same type of love. You know that the greatest action Jesus calls you to is love – to love God, and to love other people. Yet responding to that simple call is often surprisingly difficult. In this fallen world where people often don’t seem lovable and loving actions seem to demand too much time and energy, you may think of many great excuses for limiting your love or placing conditions on it.
But Jesus continues to call you to love as He does, without conditions or limits. If you dare to respond to His call, He will empower you to put love into action, no matter what. Here’s how you can love as Jesus does:

Be there.  Just as Jesus loved people by actually coming to Earth to be present with them, He calls us to spend time with people, rather than just thinking about, emailing, calling, texting, or agreeing them; or talking about how much you love them.  So make time to be present with the people you sense God is calling you to reach out to, and be willing to sacrifice other pursuits so you can give them your undivided attention when you’re together.
Let go of religion.  Don’t try to impress God with religion. Instead, invest your efforts in what God really cares about: simply incorporating love into your life to the fullest extent.

Express your love in audacious ways.  Use your God-given creativity to express your love boldly to others, whenever you have an opportunity to do so. Give your love to others freely, with abandon. Enjoy whimsical ways of showing others you love them.
Learn from your failures.  When other people reject you or when you fail to reach them with your love, don’t despair. Instead, ask God to show you what He wants you to learn from the experience. Don’t give up your efforts to love people to the fullest, even when it costs you a lot to do so, because God promises that it will worth it.

Open doors for others.  Express your love for people by doing whatever you can to give other people good opportunities in life – from giving blood to helping sick and injured people heal or, feeding the hungry and helping unemployed people find jobs.
Expect God to use you even though you’re broken.  Realize that brokenness doesn’t disqualify you from serving God by serving others; in fact, it helps you, because it gives you more compassion for people in need. Believe me, there’s always someone in a worse condition than you. God will use you in His kingdom work despite and even because of the brokenness in your life.   All you need to do is just say “yes” to God in every situation, and rely on the strength that He will give you. Remember that God, who invites you, is much stronger than the obstacles in your life.

Give generously.  Make a habit of regularly and generously giving your resources (such as time, talent, energy, and money) to support God’s work on Earth. Your ordinary efforts will change the world in extraordinary ways when you give to express love for God and others. If you’re having trouble giving generously, make sure that you’re deriving your sense of security from your relationship with Jesus, which is unshakable and it will give you the confidence you need to give freely.
Learn how to receive when you’re in need.  You can learn just as much about love from graciously accepting help from others when you are in need; as you can from giving to others in need.   Don’t let pride stand in your way.   Also, God may want to teach others about love by allowing them to help you. So allow people the opportunity to help you when you need help, particularly during a crisis.

Communicate encouraging words.  Ask God to help you use encouraging words whenever you speak and write to others; those words can powerfully convey love to them.
Give people grace. Keep in mind how much grace God has given you through Jesus, and let your gratitude for that motivate you to be graceful with others who have made mistakes.

Choose the right friends.  Since you become like the people you often spend time with, it’s important to surround yourself with loving people who will inspire you to become a more loving person yourself. Clean up your Facebook page by letting go of people who are really not your friend; maybe an acquaintance or just someone you know or even someone who influence you to become more selfish; and embrace new friendships with people who challenge you to put love into action more in your life.
Live for an audience of one.  Live to please God alone, rather than other people. When you respond to God’s calls to serve others, don’t expect recognition or appreciation from people for doing so; see that as a bonus, but not necessary. Help others in secret when you can, as a way of expressing your love for God purely, without any strings attached.

Be real with others.  Don’t hide who you really are behind a fake image when you reach out to other people. Ask God to give you the confidence you need to risk being open, honest, and vulnerable in your relationships with others. That’s the only way you can authentically express love to them.
Pick a fight instead of an opinion.  When you’re disturbed by a specific issue of injustice in the world, go beyond just forming an opinion about it. Ask God to help you actually do something about it. Take whatever steps God leads you to take to fight injustice, no matter how much it costs you to do so. Be a part of changing the world by helping to turn something that’s wrong into something that’s right.

Forgive those who have hurt you.  Rely on God’s help to follow His command to forgive the people who have hurt you, and always keep in mind how much God has forgiven you, thanks to Jesus.   As you move forward, unclench your fists and relate to people in a “palms up” way, by continuing to love others without fear because you’ve chosen to trust in the power of God’s love working through your life.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

God's Phone Number Jeremiah 33:3

God's Phone Number Listed

You may call on God at anytime.   Jeremiah 33:3

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.

Mrs. Felicia's Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, I do appreciate You, and I want my life to glorify you. Fill me today with Your Holy Spirit so that I might bring encouraging words to others. Father, I have been down at times in my life and I am so grateful for my brothers and sisters in the Lord who came to me with faith and encouragement. They lifted me up, and today I want to lift them up. You know each of them and exactly what they are going through at this time. Bless them and encourage them and meet their needs even as You used them to meet my needs in the trying times of my life. May we all be good witnesses for You and never lose our saltiness. Lord, shine on us that we may reflect Your glory. I ask this in the precious name of Jesus.


Today's Daily Inspiration

"Today be happy. Live and move in the light of the Lord and know that nothing can hurt you. Lord, fill me with Your spirit.

Do not despair or dwell on the negative side of a situation. Believe that good will come, that the best is coming and it will. Lord, I am Your agent who is here to do Your will.

Friday, March 2, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Living Life Purposeful"

Good Morning Everyone,
 Please Note: This is the last correspondance until April, 2012. We all must give ourselves to the Great New Tasks Our Father assigns. We live in the Presence of a Sacrificial Spirit. We must sacrifice to international relationships as well. We must be willing to go into the darkness of death riddle lives that Liberty might Live. We must minister reconcillation out of sheer enjoyment of doing it. Pray that I might be a Flame of His Sacred Love. I feel so grateful to you for your kindness, allowing me to invade your work space daily... I am immensely indebted to you. See you Soon. Always Loving You -Loving Him/Juanita to some and Momma V. to the others. God Bless you all.


It's Friday Already? Yeah, happy time! ! !

Jeremiah 29: 11: For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Thank heaven for the man who, "with due regard for the good of men and the glory of God," make the most of himself and his circumstances!

This is success. What can a man do more than to make the most of himself and his circumstances? If we can look within and bring forth all that God has implanted of mind, will, purpose and genius. If we can reach out and around and gather up all that belongs to our condition, environment and surroundings; and if we can wed these at the Altar of Destiny, then we shall have made the most of ourselves and of our circumstances. This is success. An angel could do no more. The highest compliment is, "you have done what you could !".... God Bless.

Our Father in heaven, Thank You for Your Grace and Mercy. Father, You have endowed Your Children with gifts of Compassion, Patience, Cheerfulness, and Perseverance.  Lord, we need all these gifts to care for one another.  Holy One, allow us to be Your vessel to extend Your Love for those our irritants, and learn from our circumstances. O Lord, You are our source of strength and reassurance. We will not be anxious for anything, But in everything Lord, give us power to pray and find our peace in You. In Jesus Name Amen. Amen...

"Living Our Life More Than A Conqueror!"

~ Love & Blessings~


Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Getting Better Acquainted With Him!"

Good Morning Everyone,
Proverbs 24: 3-4: Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: v4: And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.
Intelligence is the act of Knowing; understanding; comprehension; knowledge; the mental faculty that produces acting, judging, thinking etc. It is the capacity for higher forms of knowledge and superior action. Intelligence involves the associated faculties of memory, tact, insight, foresight and perception. 
It is an all-embracing word for the operation of the mind, of the brain that conceives, that points the way, that indicates pitfalls, that shows the safest way, that creates, that halts, that expedites
From the fertile fields of thought do we gather and glean the gems and jewels of the mind that bless the world with the golden harvest of its wonderous creation...Selah.....
"If "...the earth is full of the Knowledge of the Lord, Why are so many of our rooms Empty? If the Lord is leading you to increase your learning and your "Knowing Him in His Resurrection Power," then Obey the Spirit, the Way has been made. Allow the Holy Spirit to Lead you to a Spiritual Encounter today.  Yesterday,God gave us an extra day, Leap into your dreams that has been lying dormant. God Bless.
Father, fill our temple today.  Lord, order our steps in Your Word.  Fill each of us with Treasures of Knowledge of Your Word.  Help us to discern what is good and wholesome that our spirit may be fed daily. 
Father, Your name means freedom to someone in bondage and are weak and defenseless. Your name is Healer to those who are broken in spirit and body, so Lord manifest Your strength and power.  O Lord, we declare Hope and  We receive from Your Goodness Hope, Strength, Healing and New Life this day, right Now in Jesus Name We Pray Amen.... Amen...
Healing to all who finds Your Words. Father,To those who are hated and despised, Your name is Love and Compassion. Father, help us to hear and believe in Your Name
"Together Making His Word A Reality In Our Heart!"