Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "O Lord, Order My Steps"

Good Morning Everyone,
Psalm 37: 23 Says, “The steps of the Godly are directed by God. He delights in every detail of their lives.”(NLT).
The Bible promises that God will guide us if we let Him... Our job is to let Him. Sometimes we are tempted to do otherwise. Sometimes we are tempted to do things our way, and not God’s way.
When you feel those temptations submit to God and resist the temptation. What will you allow God to lead you through this coming day?...Your own desires, or the desires of your friends?
This answer should be obvious... When you don’t know, “the next step will be the right one”...Selah. Tell God that you can’t manage without Him! You need His help. God Bless.
Awesome Father, You merely spoke and the heavens were created. You breathed the Word and all the stars were born. You assigned boundaries to the seas and locked the oceans in vast reservoirs.
O Lord, let the whole world fear You and let everyone stand in awe of You! Lord, You are Great and Greatly to be Praised!...Your works are wonderful, and we praise You with our whole heart.
Holy One, You stand ready to guide us, let us accept Your Guidance today. O Lord, Lead us so that our lives will be a tribute to Your Grace, Your Mercy and Your Love. Let Your favor be upon our life as a cloud of the latter rain.
Father, this day let us receive extraordinary favor, for Your Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. O Our Father, bless us, and cause Your face to be turned toward us this day and give us Sweet Peace in the Mighty name of Jesus we pray and give You praise.... Amen.. Amen.
“The Lord Speaks & It’s Done - He Commands & It Stands Fast”
~We Are Living In His Glory!~

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Got Word?"... Got Confidence!!!"

Good Morning Everyone,
Isaiah 30: 15 says: For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: “In returning and Rest you shall be saved; In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.”
Returning entails repentance, Rest...Trusting in God instead of our own strength is the only way we can find Rest.” Your place of Rest comes from faith in His Word...Selah.
Today, determine you will not be shaken, no matter what the circumstances. Place your trust in Him(Word) and Rest.... God Bless.
Holy One, who ordained that honest labor and Your blessings would bring Good results. Grant us Loving Father, the desires of our heart and give us rest you design for us while doing what is right and Good in Your sight. Father, give us Calmness of mind and Steadiness of Purpose, that we may do Your Will in this short life and obtain Joy in the world to come.
O God, we give You Praise and Thanksgiving in Jesus Name. Amen.... Amen.
“Resting In Quietness & Confidence”
~Loving You – Loving Him~

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Unshakable & Undending Hope"

Good Morning Everyone,
Romans 4:18: Who against hope believed I hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken. So shall thy seed be.
When Abraham was physically beyond any hope of having a child, he based his hope on God’s Promises instead.... He believed that his offspring would be as numerous as the stars of the heavens, because the all powerful God had promised it.
How about you?? Will you believe according to that our God has spoken? Let your hope abide in the one who reside in you. Today, if you become discouraged, turn to Jesus. If you grow tired, let Him strengthen you.
Bottom line, just place your hope in Him. Cast All Of Your Cares On Him And Rest In Him! Disciplined To Live Simple, Trusting! ! God Bless.
Father God, You love the simple things of life and the eagerness of small children; keep alive in us a perpetual delight in Your Creation. Save us from the lovelessness of pride and fear; from complacency and dullness of vision; and from timidity or pretentiousness, and from the civil war of a divided mind...
O God, may we always find fresh wonder in familiar things, and exalt in Your Glorious Mercies that are new every day. In Jesus name we pray with thanksgiving Amen...Amen.
“You Are Wearing The Blessing!”
~Enjoy Your Day! ~

Monday, October 22, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Grace To You! "

Good Morning Everyone,
James 4: 6-7: But He gives more Grace. Therefore He says: “God resists the proud, But gives Grace to the humble.” Therefore submit to God, Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
Proverbs 3: 34- Surely He scorns the scornful, But gives Grace to the humble.
Let’s Get our week started ! Are you dealing with someone at your work station filled with pride, selfishness and self-centered ambition?.... Do you feel you are watching the news on television while you are at work? .. Self-centeredness is the essence of worldliness, But! Humility Cures Worldliness...Selah.
Those who submit to divine wisdom will receive the necessary Grace from God to put into practice the kind of life James is describing in our scripture. On the other hand, those who elevate themselves will face a formidable foe.... God Himself will fight against their plans because they are not on His side.... There is no benefit in feeling envy for the wicked, because God detests wickedness. Only a fool would wish to be detestable to God! Selah.
God will bless the righteous and His curse is on the wicked. How do we do this? ? ? First, we must submit to God by abandoning our selfish pride. Submitting to the Lord involves putting on the whole armor of God, an image that includes everything from placing our faith in Him to immersing ourselves in the Truth of God’s Word.(Eph. 6: 11-18)
Second, we must resist any temptation that the devil throws our way. Then the evil one will have no choice but to flee, for we will belong to the army of the Living God.... God Bless.
Holy One, who has bound us together in this bundle of life, give us Grace to understand how our lives depend on the courage, the industry, the honesty and integrity of our colleagues so that we may be mindful of their needs, grateful for their faithfulness, and we may be faithful in our responsibilities to them.
Father, in the name of Jesus we pray for a spirit of humility in our work place; that we renounce strife and any rebellion and submit to your will. Lord, there is nothing too small or great for You. Let us not rest content nor be satisfied with small plans and aspirations this day and everyday.
Father, inspire us to master the mechanisms through which Your Will may issue into action. Holy One, enable us with quick perception and clear decision; and let us never neglect to watch for the small things that make us feel dry and dull. Father, help us avoid the things which make or mar Your Great Purpose in Jesus name we pray and give You praise... Amen... Amen.
“Keeping You Close In Thoughts & Prayers"
~God Bless You~

Friday, October 19, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Evil Is Increasing-Take Your Place!"

Good Morning Everyone,
Evil has been with us since the fall of man, But today, sin is openly flaunted to a greater degree than ever before. Today, sexual sin is blatantly splashed on the front pages of magazines, prime time television, and on the internet.
Many believers try to make negative facts go away by refusing to recognize them or by saying, “I won’t confess that.” O course, rejoicing in the Lord and confessing the Word is important to our spiritual walk. But let’s make sure we aren’t being selfish in our rejoicing and in our faith....
We should be using our faith to reach others with the Gospel, not to just heap blessings upon ourselves... This week end let’s determine to be the success God intends us to be. Allow the wind of the Holy Spirit to blow through your heart and cause the desire for revival to burn brightly. Take Your Place in God’s Plan for these last days. Revival is our Cry for this hour! Enjoy your week end! ! ! God Bless.
Father,in the name of Jesus, we commit to always depend on Your supernatural power as we answer Your call. Father, we realize we can’t and won’t try to bring revival in our own strength. We will Stand Strong for truth in the midst of this world’s ungodliness and Boldly speak Your Word, with signs and wonders following...
Lord, we are determined to do the Greater Works of Jesus and not just talk about them. Holy One, make this be the Cry of our heart and stir us to move with God’s Supernatural Power; Flow through You to set the people free! Give us freedom of utterance that we may boldly and courageously get the gospel to the people..
Thank You Lord, for added strength which comes supernaturally that only You can give. We pray and believe that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that rise against us shall be shown to be in the wrong. Lord, prosper us abundantly, physically, spiritually, and financially to bring souls into Your Kingdom! So Let It Be Done In Jesus Name! Amen.... Amen.
“Taking Our Place”
~Seeking & Stirred For Revival~

Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Pursue The Wisdom Of God!"

Good Morning Everyone,
Proverbs 2: 6-7: Says, “For the Lord gives wisdom; and from His mouth comes Knowledge and Understanding. He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk uprightly; He guards the path of justice and preserves the way of His saints.
How can we be so sure that we have earned our PhD???.......that means Past Having Doubts??? When we are not standing in our own wisdom but we are standing in Faith and the Power of God.” We need to gain Wisdom....Meditating on His Word Day and Night.....
When we Know God and His Ways; and we revere Him as our Creator who works everything perfectly after the counsel of His Own Will, we are in Pursuit. Selah.
Likewise, let us present our bodies daily as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God and not let our body dominate us, but bring it into subjection to the spirit man... God’s Word is healing and health to all our flesh. Prov. 4:20-22)
Therefore, God’s Word affects each part of us, spirit, soul and body. We become vitally united to the Father, to Jesus and to the Holy Spirit(we are one with them). When we attend to God’s Word, submit to His sayings, Keep them in the center of our hearts, and put away contrary talk we are sure we have our PhD and can expect His divine intervention while we choose not to look at the things that are seen but at the things that are unseen that are subject to change...(2 Cor. 4:18).. After all, what will it profit when life here is over though we have Great worldly wisdom and have failed to obtain the Wisdom of God and lose our soul... Let’s seek wisdom as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasure. You can do this! God Bless.
Creator God, You made us for fullness of life, mind, body and spirit. Father, we thank You for the measure of health we have and for the measure of harmony within us by which a thousand factors work together to produce freedom from pain and distress of mind.
O Lord, our lives have been Graced by such Blessings... Father, we treasure Your Presence today. Holy One, we bring before Your throne those who don’t know You; and those who may know You but whose needs and desires may be Great or small - we lift them before You knowing, “You are Able to do more than we can ask or think because the power of God is in us.”
We lift those who are anxious and suffering in mind and in their body, those who are sad, Crying, lonely or in bondage. Father, let Your glory be revealed in our life today. Holy One, help us to be  good stewards of Your revelation this day and everyday in Jesus name we pray and give You Praise! Amen.... Amen.
“Serving The God Who Is More Than Enough!”
~Loving You – Loving Him~

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Fight The Good Fight Of Faith"

Good Morning Everyone,
1 Timothy 6: 11-12 Says: But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
Are you in good spiritual shape! Have you really been abiding in Christ? When Satan comes to kill, steal, and destroy, it’s time to abide in Jesus and allow His Word to abide in you! That’s how you win.
You just keep abiding –whatever the circumstances... If you want to receive anything from God, you’ve got to learn to develop tenacity... Quitters can’t win the fight of faith.
It’s people who abide in God and have His Word abiding in them that are spiritually fit. They patiently fight the fight of faith an inherit their promise. Like Paul, they are the ones who end up calling it a good fight!   Let's just face it, when you’re in good spiritual shape, it’s a whole lot easier to fight good! Be Blessed.
Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank You that when adversity moves us to our knees and bring us closer to You it is a good thing. We pray and confess that though we walk in the midst of trouble You will revive us.  You O Lord will stretch forth You hand against the wrath of our enemies and Your Right Hand shall save us.
Father, You are Good, You are a strong hold in our day of trouble; and You know those who trust in You. Lord, we may be troubled on every side, but not distressed, perplexed and not in despair, we might be persecuted, but not forsaken; and cast down but not destroyed...
O Father, we thank You that Your Word will constantly renew us in Spirit and we will have a Fresh mental attitude and we are able to Fight A Good Fight Of Faith! Our new nature is Created in Your image in true righteousness and holiness and we have escaped out of the snare of the devil that has held us captive and we will do Your Will forever...
Holy One, help us to Love one another and unite us in total peace, harmony and happiness... Thank You Father, we call it Done! In Jesus name we give You Praise and Thanksgiving Amen... Amen..
“Our Help Comes From The Lord ! ! ! “
~Blessings On You~

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "A Passion For Action"

Good Morning Everyone,
1 Thessalonians 5: 12-13: And we urge you, brethren to recognize those who labor among you, and over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them highly in love for their work’s sake. Be at peace among yourselves.
Hebrews 3: 12-13: Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God; but exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” least any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
Are there new people at your work station??? Everyone around you may not be living as Christians, some may be a little unruly.... It may be difficult for some to recognize the leadership of others. But!, We all must learn submission rather than individualism and rejection of authority.
We all know as Christians, your leaders should be held in high esteem because of the important work they are doing... We must be determine to work together in maintaining peace among yourselves, for this is good in the sight of the Lord...
Stir up your enthusiasm! For without this great impelling forward urge, one cannot succeed. It is a fountain of incentive and it forces on the one hand and persuades on the other. It lightens burdens that brings success...Selah.
Want better numbers this season? Stir yourself up and be a constant encouragement in the midst of your chaos and remain faithful as well. God Bless.
Father, You are not unrighteous to forget our work and labor of love, which we have shown towards Your name, in that we have ministered to the saints and those who are not.
Father, You have promised that if we give a cup of water to one of Your little ones, that we shall not lose our reward. Thank You Father, You have given us the tongue of the learned, that we should know how to speak a Word in season to him who is weary, and You awaken us morning by morning to hear as the learned and we are not rebellious.
Holy One, renew us by Your Power so that we may touch a responsive chord in those who don’t know You. Help us to shine in places of darkness and be a constant encouragement. O Lord, We pray this day, “Come Thy Kingdom, and Be Done Thy Will in Jesus Name we pray and give You Praise.... Amen... Amen.
“Doing The Greater Work For The Common Good!”
~Keeping You Close In Thoughts & Prayer!

Monday, October 15, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "When The Crisis Is Clear!"

Good Morning Everyone,

Psalm 119: 81-88: Printed: 81,82;83. My soul faints for Your salvation, But I hope in Your Word. My eyes fail from seeing Your word, saying, “When will You comfort me?” For I have become like wineskin in smoke, Yet I do not forget Your statues.

There are times in our lives when we feel like this particular psalm was written by us. Experiences where we are bombarded with a barrage of bad news. Trials come into our lives despite our right living Job 3:25. The crisis is defined as a Crucial Point or Situation... Suffering loss can take its toll and it will seem to takes the fight out of you.
There are times of persecution from foes takes its toll; and can leave you disfigured beyond recognition, despondent, gloomy, and dispirited... Literally lifeless and just going through the motion... You wonder: “How can I sing the Lord’s songs with all the problems I’m having??? These wrongful attacks-These near death experiences? But Lord, I didn’t forget what you said... I didn’t abandon Your Word! I held on to Hope... Selah.
Whenever we experience traumatic events in our lives there is always a tendency to think that maybe God has forgotten about us, that God is unfair or maybe He doesn’t care. Remember, God is not operating on our time schedule.... He will take care of you. We must let Him(Jesus), His Word squeeze out your pain... Knowing that He is here for you. God Bless.

Almighty God, Our Father, sometimes we are vulnerable especially during times of suffering, especially when it is continuous in one form or another, and we wonder, O Lord, How much more?
Father, One of the values that is founded in Your Word is in its ability to Reassure Every Believer of Every Generation that even though we are surrounded by a Series of sorrowing events that seem to never cease, We can still be satisfied and Rest regardless of the situation...
Father, we thank You! Thank You we can still function and be content. Thank You we still have Joy and will never cease to be what You have made us to be. In these times, You promised, we would hear Your Voice behind us saying, “This is the Way, walk in it.”

O My Father, we hear You clearly and we give You Praise! Thank You, in Jesus name we pray Amen... Amen.

 “In His Mercy”

Loving You – Loving Him!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "The Providence Of God!"

Good Morning Everyone,
Ephesians 1: 9-12. Having made unto us the Mystery of His Will, according to His Good pleasure which He has purposed in Himself. That in the dispensation of the fullness of times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and in earth; even in Him: In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of Him who works all things after the counsel of His Own Will; That we should be to the praise of His Glory, who first trusted in Christ.
The Word Providence means foresight and forethought; the care of God over His Creatures; Divine Superintendence or Direction for and over His creation. Selah... The Providence of God is the Care, Preservation and Government He exercise over all He has created, in order that they may accomplish the ends for which they were created.
This week end think on this: It is the infinite care God takes of His universe from the numbering of each hair of each head and the falling of each sparrow to the unfailing upholding of all the vast universe of His own Power! !
God’s ultimate Purpose of Providence has been to create a race of beings who would find their highest degree of happiness in the Highest degree of Holiness and who would in proportion to their Highest Holiness and Happiness, Glorify their Creator. Selah... Saints, let us take some time to enjoy God’s Creation and Praise Him! ! !... We will Trust in Christ and not the Government!!! God Bless.
Holy One, these changing seasons and changing times remind us that our lives will have their ups and downs; great grief's and joys, hardships and Great gifts, But, our desire is to please and bless You Father...
 We know that when we pray according to Your Word that You joyfully hear us, because we are living and working in Your truth. Lord, it is exciting to know that the prayers of the saints are forever in Your throne room and we delight in having a conversation with You. Father, You have a plan for our life and as we wait before You this week end, we will wait for specific instructions and strategies of Who You Are in “Our Season.”
Father, Knowing Who” to call on in any season is so important because You are able to put Your Super on our Natural and we in turn will have a Supernatural Encounter! ! Holy One, so let it be done in Jesus Name .... Amen.... Amen.
“Experiencing God’s Eternal & Unchangeable Plan”
~Encountering A Strong Purpose For Our Life! ~

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Excellence A Matter Of The Heart!"

Good Morning Everyone,
Colossians 3: 23 – 24 says, “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.”
Spiritual discipline always begins with diligent preparation in every area of our life, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. Being stressed by Life’s demands is an ongoing battle, so stay focused.
A wholehearted approach to everything that you do will always produce a life of excellence. Be determined today to develop a reputation of excellence in all that you do. Give God your best and always do your best for His Glory. Don’t be concerned with those that attack your vision.  Those who cut corners or have lower standards will get offended and criticize “Excellence.”
Remember Judas was indignant when Mary anointed Jesus’ head and feet with costly ointment. She was focused and determined to do what God was directing her to do with “Excellence.” Jesus said, “Wherever this Gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall be this also she has done as a memorial of her life. Matthew 26: 12-13...Selah.
Jesus went to the cross so that we could experience this God kind of life. You are Destined to have a life of Excellence, of the highest quality of life, exceptionally good of its kind, Superior!” Amen? Don’t settle for mere existence when you can have excellence! God Bless.
Father, we thank You for Your Unconditional Love and forgiveness. Help us to focus on You and Your presence in our life today. We pray that any stress in our heart will be swallowed up in the reality that You are faithful and in control.
Father, we know you are not surprised by anything that comes our way and will transform the good into better, the unthinkable into unstoppable and the unbelievable into fact. We praise You for the amazing way You guide us and lift us up when we fall. Lord, we want to commit to excellence wholeheartedly today in Jesus name. Amen.... Amen.
“We Have God Given Potential For Excellence!” (You Can Do This!)
~Loving You – Loving Him~

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "It's Our Duty!"

Good Morning Everyone,
Galatians 2: 20 : “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, Who loved me, and gave Himself for me.”
When you decide that it’s not you that live, but Christ that live in you, you are accepting your place in life. If we want to walk in the blessings of Abraham, we have to accept who we are “In Christ.”
Your duties in this life are many, almost too numerous to mention. To obey your spirit is your paramount duty... We do not deserve special credit for doing our duty, but we do deserve censure if we neglect it. To work is a duty, a privilege. There is no joy without work: an idle person is not happy.  Our muscles comes and goes according to use. Selah.
You keep what you use. What you put in you get out... Those who do not get enjoyment out of their work are losing one of the greatest sources of pleasure... Blessed means, (happy,empowered to prosper) are you who has found work!  Today, at your work station, remember “your name(Christian).”
Our Father, we come before you in faith believing that Your Word runs swiftly throughout the earth to show Yourself strong on behalf of those whose heart are humbled towards you. Thank You Lord, we are the Body of Christ and we have Power and Authority over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means harm us.
Thank You Lord, You liberally supply all of our needs according to Your riches in Glory. Lord, we will delight ourselves in Your Word. Holy one, help us when we are wronged to be merciful to those who we feel may not deserve mercy and to be peaceful in the face of violence.
Execute justice, Precious Father, for the oppressed. Turn back the hearts of the disobedient to the wisdom of the upright perfectly prepared in spirit to make ready for You. O Lord, place them in the right moral state.
Father, help us to understand they are being influenced by a spirit other than the Lord’s. Holy One, remind us that it’s not me that live, but Christ that lives in me this day and everyday. Thank You Lord, You will perfect that which concerns us. Lord, Your Mercy endures forever and forever we give You Praise... Amen... Amen.
“Wisdom Helps Us Side-Step The Unfavorable”
~Enjoying Celebrating Our Duty!~

Friday, October 5, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Pray For The Upcoming Elections!"

Good Morning Everyone,
1 Peter 4: 7: “But the end of all things is at hand: Be ye sober, and watch unto prayer.
1 Timothy 2: 1-3: – I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For Kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.
This is a very critical election for our nation. And it’s important that we stand in the gap for our country. Now, I am in no way trying to recommend one person or another. We need simply to have a passion in our heart to pray the right person.
What a difference it will make as we join together to pray for our president! And we can be confident that our effectual fervent prayers will avail much (James : 5:16). Can you imagine how powerful our prayers are going to be? You may wonder, How exactly should I pray? Simply follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
It says in Romans 8: 26, “Likewise the Spirit also helps our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself makes intercession for us with groaning's which cannot be uttered.” I believe that as we all pray in accordance with the Holy Spirit’s leading on a consistent basis, we will see God’s Choice to lead our nation. Be Blessed.
Our Father, You are a Great God, and a Great King above all other gods... Lord, You are our source and in You we do place our trust. You are our Rock, and our fortress, our deliverer; our strength in whom we trust. Through the years You have been our buckler and horn of our salvation.
Lord, we call upon You Who is Worthy to be praised. Father, we pray for our leaders so that our lives will be peaceful. Gracious Father, have mercy on us. In accordance with Your Word, we ask You to lead and guide all of our local, state, and national leaders.
Lord, fill them with Your wisdom, knowledge, confidence and peace. Holy One, help them in their personal and professional lives to make decisions that will align with Your Will for our city, state and nation.
Lord, bless all of our city officials and public service personnel, including council members and county commissioners, our judges, law enforcement officials and emergency response teams.
O God, strengthen all of them and keep them healthy. Lord, bless the works of their hands to meet the needs of our city and nation. Father, we pray the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon our president, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of Knowledge and the fear of the Lord; and that all things be done decently and in order.
Holy One, make our leaders perfect in every good work to do Your will and well pleasing in Your sight through Jesus Christ our Lord; to whom be Glory, Honor; and Praise forever and ever Amen..... Amen.
“Living The Blessed Life!”
~Loving You – Loving Him~

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Courage To Stand!"

Good Morning Everyone,
Ephesians 6: 10-12: Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Our real battle is not with human cultists, false religionists, atheists, agnostics, and pseudo-Christians, but with the demonic beings working through them, of which even the flesh and blood opponents themselves are sometimes unaware...
This is “The Evil Day” when the evil one is launching a ferocious campaign against Christ and His Army. You are part of God’s Army and We Must Stand Daily Putting On The Whole Armor Of God! ! ! Be sure you are right and then stand! In this life:
At first you will be rejected, then you will be accepted. First men will swear at you, then if you wear well, they will swear by you... First the sneer and then the cheer... First the curse, then the caresses....First the trial, then the Triumph.... First the Cross, then the Crown..
For every scar upon your brow you will have a star in your crown. Stand somewhere and let humanity “Know” where you stand! Stand for Something and let humanity Know What you Stand For! ! ! Be Sure you are “Right” and then stand! After the dust settle on the battle field – You Will Be Still Standing! ! Selah. God Bless.
Holy One, we won’t lose hope in the setbacks in Life today, because our hope lies in our eternal union with You. “Our hope is in the Lord God, who richly and ceaselessly provides us with all things for our enjoyment!”
O Lord, Our hope does not lie in the preservation of the outer man, because daily, we are renewed in our spirit man (our inner man.) Father, grant us all boldness to be of good courage and speak forth Your Word, unless we will fall for anything...
Lord, You are our helper, we will not be seized with alarm, nor will we be fearful, filled with dread nor will we be terrified of what man can do to us... We stand in You, and we are Bold as a Lion.
Father, We are Complete in You and we have Victory! We are clinging to Your Word and we will not be put to shame... Praise the name of Jesus! We will Glorify You in all that we do and will never cease to give You Praise in Jesus name Amen.... Amen..
“Standing Therefore! Selah.”

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Patient Preparation Is Power!"

Good Morning Everyone,
James 1: 2-3: My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing.
The Lord is our Rock and Sure Foundation, and in times of storms we are not shaken, in the midst of all the cares of the world, the pleasures that leave our hearts unsatisfied, and the burdens that wear away our strength, the hopes deferred that leave us heart-sick.
Sometimes we fall into sorrow and murmur at our lot. What we need is a Grant. A Grant is something we don’t have to Pay Back! We need a Grant of Patience Preparation mixed with Faith in God’s Word! Take the time to Prepare less we Despair! Selah.
If a mulberry leaf were impatient, it would never become satin. In the age that lacks Composure, men are more likely to mature too quickly and decay too soon. Reserved Power should ever be greater than Spent Power!
Know This: An act is never greater that there is a Greater Something behind it. What A Man Is Should Be Greater than what he does... The Master must be Greater than the Masterpiece... Self-Preparation is more than Self-Projection And Patient Preparation is Permanent Power!... Selah. Today, let’s bring Glory to Your Heavenly Boss! God Bless.
Father, in the name of Jesus we bring before Your throne Your people... Lord, we know our Trials are of outward circumstances – conflicts, sufferings, and troubles – are encountered by all believers.
Father, we know Trials are not pleasant and may be extremely grievous, but as believers, we are to consider them as opportunities for rejoicing... Troubles and difficulties are a tool which refines and purifies our faith, producing patience and endurance.
Holy One, sometimes, we don’t feel like singing- more like sighing... When we feel like crying, Gracious One, Help us to look beyond our sadness to see the joy that is set before us, and may it bring Joy to our hearts, and smiles to our lips enough to Prepare Patiently, and lift our spirit; and give us Strength for the day.
Lord, Your Word reminds us that: All we need to face the day. - Tomorrow’s challenges will be there when the sun rises. - Today is when we need the Promise of Your Presence And Power. Let It Be So, in Jesus name... Amen... Amen.
“We Are Conforming To His Will Patiently”
~ Loving You – Loving Him ~

Monday, October 1, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "The Efficient Life!"

Good Morning Everyone,
Colossians 3: 1 – Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ Who is our life appears you also will appear with him in Glory.
2 Peter 1: 3-8 Printed. v.3: His divine power has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by Glory and virtue.
What is the thing that determines ones value? In the age when life finds its sufficiency on the surface of things, the question is, What is one worth? The answer is invariably given in materialistic terms.
But, the outward is delusive rather than conclusive. Within oneself there is a world to discover, to explore and to conquer; and in this hidden realm may be found the treasury of man’s life. The Root, Not Fruit, is the source and secret of Life! Selah.
Who are you connected to??? Strength and ability are secured by seeking below the surface! One’s Real Self is within, not without; and any permanent progress must move from the center toward the circumference of one’s life. One is to be valued not by what is on Him or around Him or in His possession, But Who Is Within...Above Position, Above Wealth, Above Culture, Above Genius even is Character of Your Creator...Nothing nor no one is insignificant. Selah.
God has given you all things pertaining to Life and Godliness. You are a Blessing on the way to Be A Blessing! ! !
Our Father, You have not left us helpless nor hopeless. Father, not only have you given us Your Word, but You have given us the Holy Spirit to help us in our infirmities when things are so bad we don’t even know how to pray as we ought.
Thank You for Your Love Father, that because we keep Your Commandments and do those things that are pleasing in Your sight, We are overcomers in this world. Father, we thank You for filling us with a full, deep, and clear knowledge of Your will and therefore we go forth this day and everyday and bear fruit for Your delight according to the root within us. In Jesus name we pray Amen... Amen.
“Embracing The Word, Spirit & Life!”
~Blessings On You! ~