Monday Everyone,
10:3-5: - v.3: For though we
walk in the
flesh, we do not war after the
flesh: 4: (For the weapons of our warfare are
not carnal, but mighty through God to the
pulling down of strong holds;)
5: Casting down imaginations, and every
high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge
of God, and bringing into
captivity every thought to
the obedience of Christ; 6: And having in a
readiness to revenge all
disobedience, when
your obedience is fulfilled.
What a helpful
phrase this is! Press Stop. Our mind is like a
Tape Recorder. Sometimes our
inability or refusal to Press
Stop can be our worst enemy. We
do want things we are facing to be different, we want
change, but we have become accustomed to holding on to the way it use to be
for fear of losing what we think we have
gained. This is when doubt and fear began to eat away at God's
Hedge of Protection Around Us. Today, Ask God to
Fortify and Strengthen your
Whatever is before us,
whatever we may feel anxious
about, whatever may seem to
pressure us, let God take over. We don't have
to Fix everyone, or every thing.
Today, we will decide to release our
tense hold on
situations and God will take
over. Amen? Our happiness does not depend on a particular
person or a particular set of
circumstances. Selah. Today, at our work stations, we will take
a Positive step and
Commit our Cares to God.
Press Stop! Don't Play "The
Way We Were" Any Longer! Let God's
Goodness make an Appearance in every aspect of our life. Be
Father, we pray and confess Your
Word over the Body of Christ. We pray that we
be filled with the full, Deep and
Clear Knowledge of Your
Will in all Spiritual Wisdom. We pray that we have
Comprehensive insight into
Your Purposes; and that we
have Understanding and Discernment of All Spiritual
things; that we will walk, live and
Conduct ourselves in a manner
Worthy and Well Pleasing of You Lord
God... Holy One, this day may we
bear fruit in every good work and Grow
and ever increase in the
Knowledge of You... O Lord,
give us clear insight on
things that we can
change and "recognition" on things
that can
be changed
Only by
Father, whatever we do in Word or
deed today, we do in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
depending upon His Person,
always Giving Thanks and
Praise to You Father through Him! ....
In Jesus Name we pray and give You Praise and ThanksLiving!
!. Amen... Amen.
~Recognizing - His Life Is In
Us Now!!~
"Let's Stay Disciplined"
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