Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Big Things Get Done When Determined!"

Good Morning Everyone,
Matthew 1: 18-25: Printed: v.21: And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call His name JESUS: for He shall save His people from their sins.
As we approach Christmas, it's good to remember why Jesus was born. The Son of God did not come to establish a nostalgic, family-oriented, commercially successful holiday. The angel told Joseph, "Mary will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He Shall save His people from their sins." Selah. Christmas began a with present from God (Our Father) to His sin damaged world...The wages of sin is death, But The Gift Of God is Eternal Life in Christ Jesus Our Lord... This season, don't take Christ out of Christmas. It is Good News for the World. He is the Gift anyone can receive if they believe... Who ever is broken can be restored. It takes determination.
We declare that it is not Happy Holidays- It is Merry Christmas! Jesus came to this earth He made to repair our sin-damaged lives. Remember, why He came, and remember Calvary... It was a Gift.. Today, let us put Christ back in Christmas. God Bless.
Father, in the name of Jesus we bring before You this nation and its leaders. Father, Your Word declares You would reprove leaders for our sake so that we may live a quiet and peaceable life in all Godliness and Honesty. We pray that they would receive the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the Knowledge of Him, (Jesus) and the eyes of their understanding to be enlightened. 
We pray this nation will remember how it was founded and be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of their mind. O God, We confess that we will see a turn around even in our courts system and in our work places. Jesus, You have made unto us Wisdom, Righteousness, Santification, and Redemption. O God, we confess that we have the Wisdom of God and that we are the Righteousness of God In Christ Jesus.
We declare that we are the Redeemed from the curse and we are translated into the Kingdom of Your dear Son. Father, we thank You for Christmas. May we have Christmas all year. Holy Spirit may we make Giving our Priority. To Give, Give, Give, and don't just give things that can be bought. Father, may we give Joy and Peace and Love...Today, O Lord, may we take what is wrong and make it right. In Jesus name we pray and bring You Honor and Glory! Amen... Amen.
"Determined To Put Christ Back In Christmas!"
~Together Possessing The Jesus Attitude!~

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