Saturday, December 22, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Celebrating Who He Is To Us!"

Good Morning Everyone,
Psalm 23: 1: The Lord is my shepherd(His Name is Jehovah Rohi- meaning He leads, feed, protects & provides) ; I shall not want(His name is Jehovah Jireh- meaning He provides all of my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus).
Mark. 11: 23-24: For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he says. 24. Therefore I say unto you, what things so ever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them.
These scriptures confirms Romans 10: 8-10: when we believe in our heart and say (or pray) what we believe with our heart, we shall have whatever we say (or pray). Selah...
Do you have dreams lying dormant this season? Are you afraid to get your hopes up? This Christmas, don’t let your hopes lay on the ground of your heart.. 
Pick up those things God has called you to do.  See yourself healed...  See yourself with your needs met.  See yourself with the quality of life that the Word promises you.
Do you have God’s Word on it yet ?... If not find the place where it is written... You must believe it with your heart and with your mouth confess it, and then we receive His Promise.
If you don’t understand God’s Word, pray that the Lord will open the eyes of your understanding...But! you must Believe you receive when you pray according to God’s Word.  After All, The Greater One Live on the inside of us! You can’t – But, He Can.Selah... This is “The Promise” that came to earth! Let’s Celebrate His Coming! Be Blessed!
Almighty God Our Father, We confess and believe that the wisdom of Your Word dwells in our heart, and we come boldly before the throne without fear or dread of evil.
Father, we acknowledge that Your Word is alive and full of power, it is active and operative and energizes us in our innermost being.
Thank You Father, Your Word is sharper than any two-edge sword and it is penetrating into our joints and marrow of our bones. It is healing to all our flesh. It is prosperity to us; It is the magnificent Word of our most Holy One...
O God, this season we thank You because You are The Good Shepherd who gave Your life for those who are lost; and may we too go after those who are lost as well..
Thank You Jesus, You came to bring not only spiritual and physical healing, but You have also promised us emotional and mental health in every area of our lives. Lord, thank You!
Holy One, to whom much is given, much is required... Today and everyday help us to share the real reason for Your Coming and really make this a Glorious Season. According to Your Word we have spoken, so let it be done in Jesus name we give You Honor And Praise Amen... Amen.
“Believing & Receiving The Promise! (Jesus)”
~Loving You – Loving Him! ~

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