Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Seeking His Highest Good!"

Good Morning Everyone,
Psalm 138: 8: The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your Mercy, O Lord, endures Forever; Do not forsake the works of Your hands.
There is no greater feeling in the world than the feeling of knowing that you are secure in the things you are involved in regardless of how things look...For every human need, there is divine sufficiency.
Our security comes from knowing the Word of God. It is God who made and fashioned us; and cut us out to be reflectors of His character and to represent His life. We are the objects of His Love.
Today, seek to live in a closer relationship with Him. He will make perfect those things which concerns you whether it is your possessions, family, finances, or your health, He will perfect it. Selah... Your security is in Him. Selah. God Bless.
Our Father, we realize that You have a perfect plan for our lives. Lord, we present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy; and acceptable to You. Thank You Father, we are not conformed to this world’s system but transformed by the renewing of our mind, so that we may prove what is good and acceptable and what is Your perfect will for our lives.
Holy One, give us understanding and clear directions as we carry out our assignments... O Lord, You are so faithful, and we know we can depend on You in hard places.
Father, we may be hard pressed on every side but not crushed, perplexed but not in despair; persecuted but not forsaken; struck down but we are not destroyed...
Father God, Our trust is in You and we will never cease to give You Praise and Thanksgiving In Jesus name Amen... Amen.
“Seeking His Highest Good!”
~Loving You – Loving Him!~

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