Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Order My Steps!"

Good Morning Everyone,

"The Steps of the Godly are directed by God. He delights in every detail of their Lives." Ps. 27:22 NLT. The Bible promises that God will guide you if you let Him. Our Job is to let Him. Sometimes we are tempted to do otherwise. Sometimes we are tempted to do things our way, and not God's way. When you feel those temptations submit to God and resist the temptation. What will you allow to guide you through this coming day: Your own desires, or the desires of your friends? Or will you allow God to lead the way? This answer should be obvious. When you don't know the next step will be the Right one...Let us tell God you know that you can't manage without Him....... Tell Him! You need His help...... God Bless.

Dear Lord, You always stand ready to guide. Let us accept Your Guidance, today and everyday. Lead us Father, so that our lives can be a tribute to Your Grace, to Your Mercy, to Your Love, and to Your Son. Holy Spirit remind us that consistently spending time with Our Father effects permanent change in our lives; and insincere attempts at this will result in half-hearted devotion. Lord, we want to serve You whole-heartily. Father, those of us who make our devotion to You our highest priority will "Know" True Heart-Felt Devotion... Our Father, we Love You Dearly, and we delight in spending time with You. Be Glorified in our praise. In Jesus Name. Amen.... Amen,

"Stepping Into Dynamic Devotion!"

~Loving You -Loving Him~

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