Monday, November 7, 2011

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Experiencing Deliverance!"

Good Morning Everyone,
Psalms 34: 4: I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.
God answers the cries and prayers of His People. The word salvation means "deliverance." The Bible is filled with stories of deliverance and salvation. One of the greatest revelations is the revelation of self deliverance. We can loose ourselves from any control in darkness (Isa.52:2). We can exercise power and authority for our own lives. Jesus told us to cast out the beam from our own eye. (Luke 6: 42). The term cast out is the same word used in reference to casting out demons(ekballo).
Today, take spiritual responsibility for your life.... Let us not depend on everyone else for your spiritual well-being. Confess the Word over your life. Pray strong prayers that cast out the enemy. Do not let self-pity hold you back. Stir yourself up in prayer. This is a key to an overcoming life. Deliverance is the Children's bread. The breakthroughs you will see is supernatural. Healing will multiply, Long-term bondages will be destroyed! Hidden roots, will be exposed and eliminated. Inexplicable problems will be solved. Stubborn obstacles will be removed. Cycles of failure will be broken. Just Try,
You Can Do This! God Bless.
Father in the name of Jesus, we command all generational and hereditary spirits operating in your children life through curses to be bound and cast out now in the name of Jesus. We break all generational curses of pride, rebellion, lust, poverty, witchcraft, idolatry, death, destruction, failure, sickness, infirmity, fear, schizophrenia, and rejection in the name of Jesus. We command all spirits of lust, perversion, adultery, fornication, uncleanness, and immorality to come out of their sexual character in the name of Jesus.
We command all demons operating in their skeletal systems, including their bones, joints, knees, and elbows, to come out now in the name of Jesus. We command all spirits operating in their blood and circulatory systems to come out in the name of Jesus. We command all religious spirits of doubt, unbelief, error, heresy, and tradition that came in through religion to come out in the name of Jesus.
We command all spirits from their past that are hindering their present and future to come out now in Jesus name. We command all hidden spirits hiding in any part of their life to come out in the name of Jesus.
Thank You Father, our body is for the Lord, and we dedicate our body - presenting all of our members and faculties as a living sacrifice, holy and well pleasing to You... We present them as implements of righteousness because we belong to You and our body is Your temple, the very sanctuary of the Holy Spirit Who lives within us. Thank You Lord, for Your Delivering Power by the Holy Spirit. Jesus, we magnify You and give You Glory in our body and boldly exalt You in our person.... Thank You, Father, in Jesus name we give You Praise! Hallelujah! Amen...Amen.
"Death And Life Is In The Power Of Our Tongue & We Will Speak Life!"
~Deliverance Is As Close As The Mouth!~

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