Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Let Hope Point The Way!"

Good Morning Everyone,
Prov. 10:28) The hope of the righteous shall be gladness; but the expectation of the wicked shall perish. - Do not allow discouragements to linger long. Let the star of hope point the way. Keep the sunshine of love, laughter, and work in your heart. Smile, be pleasant, be earnest, and work faithfully, and then you will not have time to get discouraged. If things go wrong, then turn them off as lightly as possible. Discouragement comes to all, so receive yours with a smile: this enables you to side-step the shadow and merge into the light,(God's Light- His Word). Liken then unto the clouds, and say-"clouds bring rain, and rain causes vegetation to burst forth from winter's prison wall to Bless." : So, work "Over" the discouragement in your mind, and turn them out as a Part of the Plan. God's Plan!
It'' All Good. God Bless.
Holy One, You have promised that as we go You would lead us, when we sleep, You will keep us, and when we awake You shall talk with us. For Your Commandment is a lamp; and Your Law is Light; and Your Reproofs of instruction are the way of Life. Lord, thank You for Hope Who Points our way. 
Father, You have chosen to allow us to make mistakes and then to have to live with the consequences. We bear responsibility for unkind words we wish we could recall; for thoughtlessness and carelessness that cause harm to others; and for the human greed that resulted in the economic crisis and countless other human failures in which we fall short of the glory for which You created us. When we stumble, You are there to pick us up and offer us the opportunity to start over. Humbly, we are grateful for your patience with us. Thank You. In Jesus Name Amen. Amen.
"Together Affecting The Lives Of Others!"
God Bless You All

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