Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "His Dynamic Word Is Key To Success!"

Good Morning Everyone,
Proverbs 4: 20-22: My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart; For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh.
Do you want real life and radiant health? The key to the abundant life Jesus promised(John 10: 10) is to keep the Word in your ears, in front of your eyes, and in your heart.
Do you want the good life? Do you want the good life until it overflows? Then get into the Word. God’s Word is key to your success! It is the foundation for abundant life! If you want to build a successful life, make the Word your foundation. Are you determined to build a foundation so that you can build the spiritual house that is needed to receive all that God has for you?
Make a fresh commitment to the Word today.... Pay attention to it, read it on a daily basis, hide it in your heart and live your life based on the Word of God. Determination isn’t measured by what you do when you feel like it. It is measured by what you do when you don’t feel like it...Selah.
Remember, you’re taking this journey with One who gives more than we need to finish, and you are more than a conqueror! You Can Do This! God Bless.
Holy One, You are the Rock of our strength. Father, grant that our faith may be built upon such a sure foundation, that in time of storm we may not be shaken. In the middle of all the cares of this world, the pleasures that leave our hearts unsatisfied, the burdens that wear away our strength, the hopes deferred that leaves us heart-sick, O Lord, let us not fall into sorrow, or murmur at our lot; but Grant us Father, such Faith and Patience that in Every Trouble we may hold fast to the knowledge that “Nothing” can separate us from Your Love!” In Jesus Name we give You Praise
Amen... Amen.
“Keeping You Close In Thoughts & Prayers!”
~Loving You – Loving Him ~

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