Good Morning
I John 5:
4: For whatsoever is born of God
Overcometh the world:
and this is the Victory that Overcometh the world, even
our Faith. 5: Who is he that
Overcometh the world, but he that
Believeth that Jesus is the Son of
We must understand
that he who is born again loves other
believers, and
obeys the Word of God and the Holy
Spirit. Today let us pray for our brothers who are in sin.
All lawlessness is
sin... Remember, Wisdom is more than information and
education, it is God given knowledge paired with
application. Wisdom brings the favor of God,
Recognition and Promotion, Success against enemies, and Lasting
wealth and Prosperity....Selah. Let us Change The Thoughts We Thinking
....... God Bless.
Father God our prayer today is to be
God-inside Minded. Holy Spirit Thank You for illumination to our mind and lead
us in the way we should go in all affairs of life. Thank You Lord, the eyes of
our understanding are being enlightened, and Wisdom is in our inward parts. Your
Love is being Perfected in us and we function by the Unction from the Holy One.
O God, Losses and changes in our lives mean facing
new challenges, overcoming difficulties, solving problems that for the moment
seem insoluble, and each situation entails grieving over what has changed, or
worse, been lost. Father God, At these moments in our lives, let us seek out
Your Wisdom and Lord, Give us understanding.... Lord, help us to keep a level
head, and to find the freedom to reach out to those who can help, or at least
listen to our hurts. Thank You Lord for the people who add flavor to our lives.
In Jesus Name we pray and give all praises.... Amen.
Be To God Who Always Causes Us To Triumph In Him!"
The Spirit Of Wisdom & Revelation Rest On You!
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