Friday, October 14, 2011

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Time Alone With Your Soul's Lover"

Good Morning Everyone, (Have a Great Week End!)
Psalms 139:23-24: vs.23: Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: 24: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
To all of our young people and the Young In Heart.... SpendingTime alone with God is time to commit your day to the lord. Do you worry about test, dates, family relationships, or your busy schedule? This special time alone with God provides the opportunity to give all your worries to Him and trust Him and to take care of you. You aren't big enough to handle every problem. But God Is!
Time alone with God is when God can speak to you about your own life. If you are like most of us we are on the run all day long... For most young people it is even more difficult to spend time alone with God. You run from class to class, friend to friend, from appointment to appointment; and in between you have band or ball practice, chores at home, and an occasional date, a part-time job; and plenty of homework. By the time you wade through your schedule, you hit the sack exhausted. But! How often do you sit down just to take time to evaluate where you are going and who you really are??? Selah 

A time alone with the "Lover of your soul" will help you See yourself as He sees you.... When you are alone with Him, He will point out your sins and help you admit them and will give you the Power to Overcome them... He will show you who you are; He will help you discover the Gifts He has given you; He will personally guide you so you can become the best person you can possibly be. Why? you ask? Because Jesus Deserves Your Attention. He sacrificed His life for you, spending time with Him is a small price to pay. This week end take some time to spill your heart to him!.... He's waiting on you!!...Selah. God Bless.
Father in the name of Jesus we commit ourselves to spending time alone with You. Because our desire is to Glorify You and You desire our fellowship, we will take time to get alone with You. O God, You made the oceans, the mountains, the stars and the galaxies. How Great You are. You made the Universe and we think You are awesome; and You are able to solve any problem that comes up. You take pleasure in the prosperity of Your servants and we take pleasure in spending time with You. We realize that Your eyes goes throughout the whole earth to show yourself strong on behalf of those whose heart is completely Yours. Father, our heart belongs to You only. It is You Who Directs our path when we trust You. O Lord, we are Yours and we want to be alone with You. We Love You Father. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.... Amen.
"Together Loving His Precepts, Laws and Commands'
~Cleansing Our Hearts~

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