Friday, February 24, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Against All Odds!"

Good Morning Everyone, (TGIF yEAH hAPPY tIME! ! !)
Romans 4: 18: Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.
Hope fills our days with happy anticipations, high and noble aspirations; and imparts strength and courage for discharging responsibilities. Hope makes the unbearable bearable; and brightens the mind.
Hope quickens the hearts and sets the soul aflame. It brings serenity, cheerfulness and good humor.
Hope helps bear those ills we have and lightens our burdens. Hope clears the mist of hazy doubts and allows us to see clearly the illuminating light beyond; and it is one of the most promptings of mind and heart.
 What can be said? ?... Fight On! Do not be faint of Heart! Expect the Best. If your expectations falls short, accept it as for the best - as part of His Plan, His Divine Plan... Selah... 
Where is the Hope of Your Faith???.. The seed has been planted, don't abort it, carry it, nurture it, then bring it forth. Have a Great Week End ! God Bless.
Lord, You are a Covenant keeping God and we Thank You for Believing in us. Father, continue to manifest within us Your Son Jesus Christ. It is through Him that we have received this Hope that He will return for His Righteous seeds.
O Lord, Misery is so wide spread, Pain universal; evil so strong, but Your Word has always revived us and given us Life. At times we feel helpless (Yet Not Hopeless!).
Father, with You we are Not Powerless in the face of these Great forces. Lord, Our Hope is in You... So we Thank You this morning for Your Grace, Mercy, and Insight, that each of us may start with (You) The Word Daily!.... 
We cannot fully comprehend Your Ways without You - teach us Holy Spirit because we are assured of Your Love. We commit ourselves to live today so that others will catch enough of this vision in us that they can stay engaged in the fierce fight against all that dehumanizes them and be ready to act against demonic powers, and may they never forget to identify with the outcast. In Your Strength we pray and give You Praise in Jesus Name Amen. Amen.
"Striving Valiantly For That Which We Are Convinced Is Best!"
~Higher Hopes - Deeper And More Abiding!~

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