Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Knowledge?"

Good Morning Everyone,
Daniel 2: 21 -v21: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding.
The Universe is God's University for man. We are here as scholars learning our lessons for eternity. There are many books to study but the man who is well versed in the Book of Scripture is an educated man. Knowledge and belief are the chief allies of man. Where knowledge ends, belief begins.
In the absence of knowledge, faith, hope and belief point the way, they lead on and on. "Knowledge is Power!" It is a firm foundation; it gives security of thought and action; it causes uncertainty to give way to confidence; it encourages one to go forward; it serves too, as a restraint; it is the parent of caution; it is a shield; it increases morals; it fosters and promotes the worth-whiles of life. Selah...
Consider this: Daniel had received his answer from God. Remember, to match your persistence in prayer with gratitude when your requests are answered. Do you always give "proper praise" to God for that answered prayer? Remind someone who is going through that God is in Control! If they believe God, it will work out for their good; if they do not--this is a grand opportunity for you to witness. God Bless.
Almighty God Our Creator, You are not our captive God, nor a "god" of our own making, nor bound by us, nor controlled by us. You are ahead of us, leading us, guiding us, and calling us; You are our Lord God, All-wise, All-Compassionate; Our Friend. To You we lift our hearts and voices to worship You, our God forever and ever.
Father, we thank You for Wisdom and Knowledge. Lord let us not be puffed up in the knowledge You have given us, nor boast in the understanding in which we possess, but rather that we might be an effective witness. Use us Master, as You used Daniel, for such a time as this we give You Praise In Jesus Name Amen. Amen.
"Living In His Grace And Mercy"
~Love & Blessings~

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