Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Nothing Is Barren To God!"

Good Morning Everyone,
I Samuel 1: 10: And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the LORD, and wept sore.
Hannah had a good reason to feel discouraged and bitter. She had several strikes against her from the start. Consider this, that nothing is barren to God. Hannah had hope and she realized prayer opens the way for God to work.
We need to Learn to prophesy to ourselves. Today, make a vow to God and keep it in remembrance. Prayer really does change things. Are you praying in doubt? ? ? How's your attitude as you wait? Today, at your work station, put every barren problem into the Lord's hands. Ask him to help you as He prepares you to "Receive His Blessings." God Bless.
O Lord, You have blessed us with righteousness and surrounded us as with a shield. Lord, You are mindful of us and You bless those small and great who fear your name. Father, We lift in our morning prayer the needs of all in whose hearts there is little room for joy because sorrow or illness has come close to them.
Father, remove the bitterness, or anything that is not like you. Father, most of us, have experienced this morning a bright sunny day, and we reflected this image as we greeted one another, and cheerily began our day’s work. Help us to remember, Loving Lord, that some of our Colleagues and many hospital patients and families began this day sorrowing.
Slow us down to the pace of these whose feet are dragging, whose souls are wounded by sorrow, and who see a beautiful sunrise veiled by tears of suffering. May brightness come to them when they are ready, and by Your grace we give you all the praise.
In Jesus Name Amen. Amen.
"Together Rising Up And Walking Into A More Effective Life Style!"
Love And Blessings

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