Monday, May 21, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Let's Get Started With "INTEGRITY! ! !"

Good Monday Everyone,
Gen. 41: 15; 16:   v.15: And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I have dreamed a dream, and there is none that can interpret it: and I have heard say of thee, that thou canst understand a dream to interpret it. 16: And Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying, It is not in me: God shall give Pharaoh an answer of peace....
Silence is a privilege of all. No man can compel you to speak. You may refuse to write your thoughts or to utter your convictions. You are the Master of your lips. Your words are your own choosing. Therefore when you speak - be honest-be Truthful- be Sincere.... Remember, Integrity is an environment. Integrity has an aroma like deception has an odor. You can not put value on integrity.  God Bless.
O Loving God, who has given us the rest of the night, and who now sends us forth to the work of the day, guide us and direct us through this day we pray.  Holy One, help us to Work right,  so that every task may be done to bring Honor and Glory to Your Name. Help us to Speak Right, and Preserve us from too -Hasty Speech and too-cautious Silence... 
Father, Help us to Think Right, and guard our minds and our hearts that no evil or bitter thoughts may form and pass our lips... Help us to live our lives to benefit those who have begun this day with You, and who desire to live every moment of it in Your Presence... 
Father, Grant that today our lives may Shine like Lights of Love and Goodness in this world, that we may bring Honor and Credit to the name we bear... Father, remind us: "Whose we are and Whom we Seek to Serve...  This we ask in Your Precious Son's Name "Jesus".... Amen... Amen.
 "Keeping You Close In Thoughts and Prayers"
    ~Loving You - Loving Him~

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