Friday, May 27, 2011

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Continuous Application Spells Success!"

Good Morning Everyone,
John 8: 31-32 - v31: Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32: And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Perseverance may be defined as, the act of persevering; persistency; steadfastness; constancy; continued pursuit of an aim or and enterprise; persistency in any thing undertaken. To all Graduates: "The King-Becoming Graces Are: Perseverance, Mercy, and Lowliness"...  Selah.  Whether in thought, art, invention, science or material progress, the price of the furrowed brow finds recompense in the Joy of "I have done this thing - the thing I set out to do!"  Special emphasis must be placed on efforts for self-improvement We get more from example than from precept; and we get more from experience than from both. The process is, desire, resolution, and determination.  If you have a will to do or to be, perseverance will see you through. No adage is truer than, "Procrastination is the thief of time." Depending on some one else, waiting on tomorrow, trusting to luck, have taken heavy toll, not only individually but collectively, for personal inefficiency is not only personal but collective Loss. Self-improvement means community improvement. The way for us to reform the world is for us to reform ourselves...Selah!
Remember This:  Time waits for no man!  God Bless.
Father, in the name of Jesus, we lift in our prayers those who are Graduates and those who did not make it this time around - but remain Persistant. We pray for those who, through discouragement may have lost hope; for those for whom the future seems dark, and for those whom the current seems too strong to swim against. Grant us the gifts of Grace and Love, that we may encourage them. Father,You will perfect that which concerns us, whether its our children, our finances, our health, and all our possessions we commit all concerns once and for all over on You. You are able to guard and keep that which we have committed to You. You are more than enough!  Father, You are able to make all Grace, every Favor and earthly Blessing, come to us in Abundance. so that, we will always in all circumstances have whatever we need.  We thank You Father, in Jesus Name Amen.   Amen. 
         "The Great Highway of Perseverance Leads Only To Success!"            
             "The Grace Of Our Lord Jesus Christ Be With You All !"

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