Good Morning Everyone,
Matthew 16: 26- For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
Scripture warns us that everything you hear and see that paints pleasure as something worth our pursuit is not showing us the whole story. *Pleasure always promises more that it can deliver.(It never live up to what it can cost you). * Pleasure always produces temporary fulfillment.(It never last like we are led to believe) *Pleasure always proves to be in the long run boring and frustrating. *Pleasure never leave us alone and it gets old.(It becomes routine and routines are boring) Nothing in life will bring you as much genuine satisfaction as a Fixed Principle. Better lose your place than lose your soul. Selah... It is essential that we retain our self - respect. We cannot afford to Compromise...Selah.... God Bless.
Father, in the name of Jesus we commit ourselves to walk in your Word. Your Word is integrity itself. Your Word is steadfast, its sure, and eternal, and we can trust our life to its provisions. Holy Spirit, thank You for giving illumination to our mind. Thank You for leading the way in all of our affairs in this life. You are our inward witness. The eyes of our understanding is being enlightened and we declare that Wisdom is in our inward parts. Father, Your Love is being perfected in us. O Lord, You never gave up on Moses to lead your people. His human reasoning and understanding made him reluctant and indisposed to assume the role You offered him. His sense of reality was inadequate to comprehend the Power of Your presence to accomplish the purpose for which he was called. You persisted with him, widened his vision and perception, and nudged him to step beyond the limits of his human reason and understanding and believe that with Your help Greater things are always possible. Grant us those gifts of trust and faith today that we may not hold ourselves back, but give ourselves to You and become the worthy and willing servants that You call us be. In Jesus Name we give You Praise Amen... Amen.
"Together Becoming God-Inside Minded!"
~Be Blessed~
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