Good Morning Everyone,
Matthew 24: 14 And the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
James 5: 7 – Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord, Behold, the husbandman waits for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until He receive the early and the latter rain.
If you plan to travel this week end, there will be signs along our way to help you know where your destination is and how close it is... Speaking of signs, we are seeing the signs of the time fulfilled in our day!  Luke 21:28 we are not only seeing the beginning, but we are in the middle of them. Selah.
The Bible says that when they begin to come to pass, lift up your heads! Rejoice, because our full redemption is nigh! Notice that most of the problems that are caused in the world are because of selfishness...
This weeks UN SUMMIT, everyone were mostly concerned about themselves(their own agenda) than anything else. We ought to be concerned about the Lord and this lost world more than anything else. All signs points to His Coming! Selah.
The reason Jesus hasn’t returned yet is that the Gospel must be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then the end shall come. This must be done in order for the harvest He is waiting for to be reaped.
These are great days of opportunity as never before. We are preparing the way for Him to come! Jesus is coming, but His coming depends on me, upon you, and upon what we do... This week end – Let us do our part! God Bless.
Gracious Father, have mercy on this nation. We ask You to repair any breaches in the hedge of protection that is built around us. O God, destroy the spirit of destruction, poverty, perversion, injustice and greed.
Holy Spirit, touch the heart of the body of Christ to be lights in our nation. Stir the heart of every Christian to represent Your Love, forgiveness, mercy and grace in our daily living. Father, for those who are lukewarm, give them courage and joy to stand for holiness and righteousness in Jesus name.
“One Day We Will See Jesus Face To Face!”
~Preparing The Way For Our King~