Good Morning Everyone,
Isaiah 59: 11 The Lord will guide you continually. And satisfy your soul in
drought, and strengthen your bones; you shall be like a watered garden, and like
a spring of water; whose waters do not fail.
Joel 3: 14 says, “Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the
day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.”
Each of us is faced with decisions on a daily basis. Some may be as simple
as, “What flavor of ice cream do I want?” or “Who should I Vote for in this
election?” We make dozens of decisions every day.
However, we are also faced
with life changing and life altering decisions.
Decisions determine your direction,
and direction determines your destiny. It is
important to make right decisions. Many people have made irreversible
decisions which hurled them onto a wrong path for the rest of their lives.
must understand this valuable lesson, wait on
God’s specific directions. Don’t allow anyone or
anything pressure you into making a hasty decision. You don’t
have to play Satan’s game by his rules. When he ask you what are you going to
do? Ask him what he is going to do when he is defeated.
Don’t worry about
tomorrow. Today, you are walking by faith and not by sight and the Greater
One lives in you. Listen carefully to the
voice of God. Ask Him for wisdom. James 1: 15 says, “
If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to
you. He will not rebuke you
for asking.” Once you get directions, don’t change. Don’t let
obstacles deter you. When you know it’s God, press on to the finish
line. Never make a decision based on the difficulties of today
without considering the effect it will have on your future. Avoid hasty
decisions, haste makes mistakes. God Bless.
Awesome Father, we praise You with our whole heart. Lord, Your works are
wonderful and today we will tell of Your marvelous works. Thank You
Jesus, as high as the heavens are above the earth so great is Your Mercy towards
us and as far as the east is from the west, so far have You removed our
transgressions from us. There is no God like our God. Our soul wait on You Lord,
You are our help and our shield.
Lord, our hope is in You; You richly and
ceaselessly provides us with all things for our enjoyment. We declare we will
wait on You and You renew our strength. We mount up on wings as eagles, we will
run and not be weary. We walk and do not faint. We declare we are not grieved or
depressed, for Your Joy is our strength and stronghold.
Lord, You are our light
and our salvation: we shall not fear or dread anyone. We walk in Your presence
Lord, and You have sent Your angel to prosper our way. We declare that we have
the mind of Christ and the Wisdom of God is formed in us this day and everyday.
Thank You Lord, we are citizens of this great nation and You are Lord over our
lives. We thank You for this Glorious Day! In Jesus name Amen... Amen.
“You Become What You Repeatedly Do!”
~Ask – Seek – And – Knock! ~
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