Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Opposition Is Proof Of Progress!"

Good Morning Everyone,
Hebrews 11: 33-34 says, “Who through faith subdued Kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword. out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.”
We already have all the faith we need! We have the Agent of the Holy Spirit working in us. Faith is what moves God and ignites His heart; and releases His love, His wisdom, His power, and His presence into any situation or circumstance. Our strength comes from the Omnipotent Holy Spirit who resides within. His strength is what allows us to stand in times of difficulty, endure heartache and sorrow, resist temptation, and remain steadfast in faith.
The Holy Spirit uses difficult times to strengthen us for future and greater blessings. When difficult things happen to us, we must trust in the Lord. He will fill us with the strength to go on to the next level. Today at your work stations remember that Christian living consist of these three things. Remember: *Your work flows from faith, and *your labor flows from love, and *patient endurance is born of living hope. God Bless.
Holy One, we thank You for the Love You so lavishly have showered upon Your family. How you have gently led us through every wilderness experience. Father, as a nation this morning we are facing more difficult times.
Father, we realize that Your Grace is what transforms, renews, and make us strong in faith. Father, we pray that You fill our leaders with wisdom, knowledge, confidence and peace. Help them make decisions that align with Your will for our nation. Father, bless the work of their hands.
Thank You for evidence of Your Spirits leading our country, and for all the events before which seemed at the time no more than chance, but afterwards appear a part of Your Gracious Plan for our lives...
Holy One, guide us so that we do not refuse Your leading, or that we quench the light which You have kindled within. Father, may we reflect You in everything we think, say and do this day and everyday in Jesus name Amen.... Amen.
“Keeping You Close In Thoughts & Prayers!”
~Loving You – Loving Him~

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