Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Embracing The Prince Of Peace!"

Good Morning Everyone,
Isaiah 26: 3 says, “Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusts in thee.
Philippians 4: 8 – Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, honest, just, pure, whatever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
We have more conveniences and luxuries today than ever before; and with all these conveniences, you would think that we would have more time and peace in our lives. But just the opposite is true... Instead of having more time, we have less. Instead of being peaceful, many people don’t have any peace and many  are looking to their antidepressants....
We will never experience “True-Peace without Knowing the Prince Of Peace” Selah. Our minds are the only entrance Satan has into our lives. That’s why it is so important that we do not let him dominate our thoughts. If we allow ourselves to think negatively and worry, we will be defeated.
We cannot think defeat and expect Victory... We must stop thinking about what we don’t have and start thinking about what we do have in Christ. Quit thinking about what is wrong and begin thinking about what is right. We must not think how big our problem is, instead dwell on how big our God is.
No matter what we face, God is big enough! When our minds are focused on the Lord, we won’t care what happens in the economy! Selah.... We have our heavenly Father’s Assurance that He is watching over us. God still has the recipe for manna and can rain it down if need be!
Today, at your work-stations or whenever difficulties arise, be encouraged that there is a promise to stand on... Amen? When we take the medicine of God’s Word, it will heal our minds, our bodies, and our emotions.. And best of all, God’s medicine doesn’t have any harmful side effects... Let’s trust in the Lord with all our hearts and we will receive the Peace that passes all understanding from our one and only Savior, Jesus, The Prince of Peace! God Bless.
Awesome Father, we thank You for Your eternal Love and unmerited Grace and we declare that Your name is near. Lord, we thank You Now for salvation, the Greatest miracle of all. Father, we thank You for Jesus, who came to break the power of the devil and to bring us hope, health, and healing.
Lord, we Thank You for the Holy Spirit who leads, guides, and comforts us... O Lord, You are so Good and Your Mercy endures forever. Father, You have thoughts and plans for our welfare and peace because our minds are stayed on You.
Father, this day at our work stations, we will not allow ourselves to be agitated and disturbed and intimidated and unsettled in any manner. Father, You are our refuge and high tower and a stronghold in times of trouble.
Holy One, we will lean on and confidently put our trust in You this day and everyday. Lord, we declare that You lift up those who fall and raises up all who are bowed down. O Lord, today, we declare that our thoughts are far from oppression and destruction because our eyes are on You.
We have not a spirit of fear but power, Love and a well balanced mind and terror will not come near us. Holy One, reinvigorate us and make firm, plain and smooth paths for our feet so that we may go in the right direction and wear Your radiant Glory.... for this we give You Honor and Praise in Jesus name Amen.... Amen.
“Embracing Freedom From Oppressive Thoughts & Emotions”

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