Good Morning Everyone,
James 1: 19-22: Printed: v. 21-22 says, "Therefore
lay aside all
filthiness and overflow of
wickedness, and receive with
meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your
But be doers of the word, and not
hearers only, deceiving
The Word of God that has been planted in the believers heart should be
received with meekness... This describes a teachable
resistance)disputing, or questioning.
Receiving God’s Word in this way will save the believer’s soul,
a word meaning “life”... Sin leads to
death but obedience
prevents death and protects
a believer from sinful behavior that can lead directly or indirectly to
physical death... Selah.
If you are a doer of the word, you
are happy and Blessed(empowered
to Prosper) in your deeds....
A steadfast application to duty, or(any undertaking)
is required if our purpose is to be accomplished. Those who are determined
to succeed rarely fail. Your determination is the bed-rock on
which the power of application
Remember: Greater efficiency comes through constant
effort. Each day, strive to increase your productivity
in quality, no matter what your sphere of life.
“Count it all Joy” Knowing
your faith will be tested.” When facing a stone of stumbling just
step up and make it a stepping stone. We Are A Bond Servant By
Choice – We Choose To Serve The Lord!.... Be Blessed.
Father, in Jesus’ name, we confess
and believe that the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made us free
from the law of sin and death. We confess that our life is not governed by this
worlds standard nor according to the dictates of the flesh but controlled by the
Holy Spirit.
We confess that we are doer’s of Your Word and the Holy Spirit
dwells within us directing and controlling us. Father, we confess that we are
peace-loving, courteous, considerate, gentle, willing to yield to reason, full
of compassion and good fruits...
Thank you Jesus we are free from doubts,
wavering and insincerity and fear. Holy One, help us to stand firm against the
devil and strengthen us with Your Mighty Power in our inner self. Father, You
have said, “You would never leave us without support, forsake us, nor let us
We are your children, and You will not in any degree leave us helpless
or relax Your hold on us....assuredly not!” Father, this day and everyday, we
will shrink from whatever might offend, or discredit Your name. In Jesus name we
give You Honor Glory and Praise Amen... Amen..
“Complete In Him & Lacking Nothing!”
~Loving You – Loving Him~
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