Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Ministering Heart 2 Heart In Love"

Good Morning Everyone,
Acts 1: 8 Says, “But you shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in Samaria, and to the uttermost part of the earth.”
Psalm 18: 6 says, “in my distress, I called upon the Lord.” Today, at your work station, there are people who do not know how to survive the storms of life like you do. We all must learn how to be Anchored to the Rock of Ages.  We must be willing to reach out and this will qualify you to receive a hand up when you need one. Selah.
It is our responsibility to minister to a lost and hurting world. We may not all stand behind a pulpit, but we are all ministers. Did you know that you can minister without ever opening your mouth? Many people say one thing, but their actions completely contradict their words.
Believe me, your family member including your children recognize these contradiction... We all start out by ministering in our homes and then at the place of our employment and in our church. This world is filled with people who have needs. We must minister to the lonely; and to those who are weary from the cares and the pressures of life. Instead of casting them down, we must lift them up.
We are called to offer tenderness instead of criticism to people who are hurting. Remember, we are called to offer God’s mercy, grace, understanding and help. Know this: While we must stand strong in faith and pray according to God’s Word, let us remember to be moved with Compassion and God’s Love. Blessings.
Holy One, Your eyes are over the righteous, and Your ears are open to our prayers. We delight ourselves in You and Your Word, and You put Your desires within our heart and You bring them to pass. We are confident that when the ground is shaking all around us, that underneath is Your Everlasting Arms.
O Lord, give us the Peace that this world cannot give. When everything seems to be falling apart, help us to be sensible and to see that worrying does not make things better. Holy Spirit, help us see through Your eyes someone who need a lift.
Help us to commit our ways to You because You are at work in us to will and to do Your good pleasure. This day we make our schedule around Your Word, the solid foundation. Father, open our eyes to see those around us who need a lift in their time of storm. We can do all things through You who gives us strength. In Jesus name Amen.... Amen.
“We Are Working For A Better World !”
~ God Bless~

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