Good Morning Everyone,
Philippians 2: 5-7 Says, “Let this mind be in you,
which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in
the form of God, thought it not robbery TO BE EQUAL
OF A SERVANT, and was made in the likeness of men.”
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, became a servant. He took the
servant’s role. Yet in our Christian Church today, there are
many people who do not want the lowly positions of the
servant. They want an exalted position of
recognition and importance. But
to have the mind of Christ is to have the humility and
obedience of a servant.
Having the Attitude of a servant is of
vital importance. But because of the way some people were
raised, it is hard for them to understand and adapt to having the attitude
of a servant.They are afraid that if they do, it will put them right back into
the low state they were before they were saved.
This happens In
the devil’s Kingdom, under his evil tyranny, but not in the
Kingdom of God being under the King of Kings.... God’s Kingdom is ruled by faith
and Love. The rule of a tyrant and enemy
Satan is a rule of hate, distrust, and
unbelief. In Satan’s kingdom, the individual is nothing. But
under God’s rule when we become servants, we
actually become someone! God Himself lifts us up together, and
we are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Eph. 2: 6....
There are Christians who quote Mark 11: 23 and 24. But nothing happens...
They wonder why the Word isn’t working for them... Often it is because of
something they are holding in their hearts( grudges, bitterness, unforgiveness- you
know.... We must realize that we cannot move into the area of
Great Faith without walking in the Love of God
and in Complete Obedience to His
Remember, the Bible doesn’t say that when
you’re obedient, you will eat the good of the land. It says
you will eat the good of the land when you are willing and obedient. Selah.
this week end, get willing! You must confess this and get
your heart to agree: “Lord, I will obey You! I will serve You and I will
serve the Body of Christ, I want to follow Jesus’ example and serve YOU in
Humble Obedience all the days of my life!” Enjoy your week end.....
At your work
station today: A servant will do what his master tells him to do. 
Father, in the name of Jesus, we commit this day to You. We deposit it into
Your charge- entrusting everything that people speak, hear and do into Your
protection and care. Holy One we are listening for Your counsels and promises of
Your unmerited favor. We pray Your Word will build up the people and cause them
to realize that they are joint heirs with
Jesus; and Your Word is alive and full of power!
Thank You Lord, Your Word is
active, operative, energizing, and effective, being sharper than any two-edged
sword. We believe that this day, every persons needs will be met spiritually,
physically, mentally, and financially in Jesus name. We believe that all the
earth’s people will know that the Lord is God and there is no
other! Hallelujah!”
“We Have Come To Do Our Father’s Will”
~ Showing The World Love In Action~
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