Good Morning
Proverbs 29:19: v.19:
A servant will not be corrected by
words: for though he understand
he will not answer.
Proverbs 22: 15: v.15: Foolishness is bound
in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall
drive it far from him.
Proverbs 13: 24: v.24:
He that spareth his rod hateth his
son: but he that loveth him chasteneth
him betimes.
Parenting is
wonderful! Do you think this is something surprising to God?
He wants to help you, but most people just shut the door on His Wisdom and His
Grace. (Until you
have to bail them out of jail! selah) The scripture says, If
any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God
that gives to all men liberallly. We do not look to
the world for instructions. God knows the best way to
raise our children... He made us. He know what needs to be done to
correct them. Selah.
Disobedience is Sin. Walking away from
God leads to consequences - (that
leads to death. Rom.
6:23)... Saints, Discipline is Not
"Shouting" it is not
verbal. Prov. 29:19: A servant will not be corrected by
{words}: and Neither can your child. Selah.
Foolishness is normal in the heart of a child,
But! if left there- and not driven out as the Lord commands, it will pervert him or her.... Spanking
teaches a child there is
a sting to sin.
It teaches them to repent quickly or it will carry over
to their adult lives. Note:*(A switch is still appropriate)*
Jesus died on a wooden altar and our sin was
gone.... Bring your child to an altar of
Forgiveness. A few switches
Now, won't hurt you
later.... God Bless.
Father, we pray and intercede for our
young people and their
parents. Father, In the name of Jesus we pray, they
escape from the snares of the
devil that has held them
captive. We bind the spirit of selfishness,
hate and murder in our
schools... We bind sexual
immorality, idolatry,
obscenity, and profanity. We bind the spirit
of alcohol, nicotine, and
drug addiction from
our young people. Father, we
bind worldly wisdom in
any form and every opposer of
the Truth. We take authority over every
destructive, deceitful,
thieving spirit Now! in Jesus
Name... And we declare that
you are loosed from your assignment against
our children in Jesus Name. We commission the ministering spirits to go forth
and police these areas stationed around them dispelling the forces of darkness.
Father, we praise You, that we will see our children walking in the ways of
virtue and revering Your Holy Name. O Lord we
give You Praise for these Precious Gifts You gave us. In Jesus name Amen....
"Taking Back Our City
From Destructive Spirits!"
God Is A Delivering God~
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