Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "In Tough Times Let "Peace" Rule!"

Good Morning Everyone,
Col. 3:15: And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.
Peace literally means calmness of mind and heart; harmonious relationships between God or man; freedom from fear or torment; freedom from strife, quarrels or disagreements; freedom from confusion, oppressive thoughts, or emotions; The Hebrew word for Peace is (Shalom) it means Wholeness. Even in the midst of disarray and destruction, we need to cultivate the fruit of Peace by putting the Word of God in our hearts so we can speak with harmony what God says everyday. When fear or anxiety comes our way, God's Peace will rise up in our heart to overcome every circumstance. We need to be sensitive to the Spirit of God and follow this Peace within. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Let Shalom tell us what to do. In tough times we somehow make the mistake of thinking the Lord has abandoned us. We quickly fall into the pattern of thinking God and Good Times Go Hand In Hand. When trouble periodically rolls in like a heavy fog, and we must take by faith the fact that God is very much with us, even though we may not sense His Presence. God always sees us. Nothing gets by His notice. He always cares. The question is will we continue to be Trusting as He is Faithful? Will we be Good and Godly even when times are Bad? ? ?
In The Presence Of Trouble This Does Not Mean The Absence Of God. Selah... If He Is Lord - Let Him Rule! ! God Bless.
Loving and Gracious God, through us, show forth Your Loving Kindness to those who are, or feel themselves neglected, who are little loved, or feel forgotten in the rush of their daily lives. Use us to Comfort all who mourn the loss of those dear to them; be with them in their sorrow. Give them a faith to look beyond the troubles that overwhelm them and to know that neither life nor death can separate them from Your Love. Holy Spirit help them when they feel they are falling apart. Fill their heart with Wisdom and increase their faith. Father, in tough times, You said, "You would keep them in perfect Peace whose mind is stayed on You." O Lord, in this hour,Let them Know Your Peace In Jesus Name we give you Praise Amen... . Amen.
"Letting Nothing Separate Us From His Love"
~Trusting In Tough Times~

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