Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Word From Mrs. Juanita - "Experiencing Peace Not Panic"

Good Morning Everyone,
Psalm 31: 1-2: v. 1: In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust; let me never be ashamed: deliver me in thy righteousness.
Bow down thine ear to me; deliver me speedily: be thou my strong rock, for an house of defence to save me.
Heart Disease and (Dis-Ease) is the number one cause of death in our nation... It is the cause that most marriages, our relationships, and personal dreams fail, simply because of (heart-Disease)Selah. 
The condition of your heart always determine the course of your life. For out of the heart flows the issues of Life. Out of your heart your mouth speaks. Who you are is what you have been thinking... What will make you different this year? Words are thoughts and thoughts get manifested when you talk. What you have been speaking has shaped your (right Now world).
What are you facing today that is causing you to fear?...Selah. We must - Stand up for truth! Stand up for Righteousness! God is on your side. When you cry out for God the fears will dissipate immediately. God Alone is your rock, Your Fortress of defense. He is Your reliable source of Strength and Protection. Facing an evil power today??? Cry out to God! Be Blessed.
Father, in Jesus name, we are not moved by adverse circumstances. Satan might attempt to challenge us today at work, but we resist him steadfast in faith always letting patience have her perfect work. O Lord, We take the Sword of the Spirit and the Shield of Faith and quench his every fiery dart in Jesus name. Father, sometimes stress levels get heavy and we feel we can't go on, But Your Word Promised that in green pastures,You would lead us and by still waters You would refresh us. Lord,Your Goodness and Love follows after us today... It is You Who Renews our spirit. Lord, We Thank You. You deliver and defend us from those who rise up against us; surround us with Your shield of protection. Father, Your Truth is our shield. Thank You. Holy One, stretch out Your arm and deliver us from all bondage that those who don't know You, might know that it was Your hand Who did it. In Jesus Name. Amen... Amen.
"Destined For Victory Over Practical Struggles We Face"
~Choosing To Believe & Speak Victory~

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